Monday, January 11, 2010

Knight Progenetor Dr Who Fan fiction

Well, after a many-year writing binge, with a few spurious appearances, I'm back on the web. My, how things have and haven't changed. A new year approaches and it will be better than the last. I've got some experienced assistance with all this stuff, who will notice what month it is and remind me to say something now and then. Yes, I will be selling books again, giving some away and previewing some new ones.

Here is the first volume of work I ever wrote. Knight Progenetor was inspired by the sixth Doctor played by Colin Baker.
After winning several awards with this volume I decided I should write with my own characters and create my own worlds.
My life has never been the same.

Here is the volume complete for you to enjoy. If you like it you can find more of my work in various blogs and on my profile here. Fans of Fiction
If for some reason the doument doesn't open here just click the link below and read it from the page.

Knight Progenetor